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Current Trends in Online Education

Coming Soon: The Digital Public Library of America

I remember as a graduate student in an on-campus program admitting to a colleague that I had never been in the library. This confession was met with shock and dismay, and a lack of awareness of exactly how much access I had to the library collection online. Locating and retrieving articles from the comfort of […]

The Public Nature of Social Media Participation

A member of my personal learning network (PLN) posted a question on LinkedIn that essentially asked, “What topics should be included in an Introduction to Social Media course”? There are multiple ways to approach the subject matter and my response was that new users should think of social media updates as a “type of publication, […]

Online Education’s Overnight Success

Many recent conversations with friends and colleagues in the industry have revolved around what seems like an overnight shift in the overall acceptance of online education. We’ve spent years, decades even, swimming against the traditional education stream – risking possible career suicide and enduring disapproval from academic peers – advocating the benefits of online learning. […]

Cast Your Vote! End of Year Awards in EdTech

Chances are if you are reading this post you are no stranger to online resources and include them in your professional development and coursework. More and more eLearning professionals are sharing their expertise and practical advice through a range of media, helping us to do what we do. How can you thank those who influence […]

50 Famous Leaders and Career Advice That Shaped Them

Here is the advice that shaped some of the country’s best-known leaders in many different walks of life.

Who is Studying Online?

It’s not news that online learning is on the rise. The Sloan Consortium reported a 10% increase in enrollments in their 2011 report, Going the Distance, which also found that almost one-third of college students “now take at least one course online.” But what do we know about the students who choose online courses and […]

Making the Most of a MOOC

Would you like to take an online course from Duke, Stanford, The University of Edinburgh, or the University of Toronto? You can, via their partnerships with Coursera. The list of schools that have recently announced MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) development is impressive and continues to grow. There are those who embrace the MOOC as […]

An Update on Gainful Employment

Last year I wrote about Gainful Employment and initial drafts of the “rule anticipated to go into effect by July 2012.” What has happened since then? Gainful Employment requires that institutions offering vocational programs (i.e., non-degree, certificates) show evidence that they prepare their students for entry into the workforce. According to a recent press release […]

Reframing Failure for Learning

We can all describe a time when something we did went wrong, or when we made a bad decision. There are many different ways to describe failure. In the context of education and training, mistakes can provide us with lessons learned, allowing us to move forward with new knowledge gained from the experience. There’s a […]

Google’s New Research Tool

Looking for more efficient ways to compose and research writing projects in your online courses? The latest Google function brings together the capabilities of Google Search, Google Scholar, and Google Docs. The research tool provides shortcuts to accessing web-based information and adding it to your documents. Google Docs is available for anyone with a Google account […]