Career Profile: Animal Scientist
Why Is Animal Science a Job of Tomorrow?
Animal scientists will experience a boom in demand as they develop methods of keeping meats, poultry, dairy and eggs safe for mass consumption. Employment opportunities for animal scientists are expected to increase 10 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Animal scientists make an average salary of $47,800 annually.
What Does an Animal Scientist Do?
Animal scientists are responsible for making the processing of meat, poultry, egg and dairy products safe. Animal scientists can specialize in a specific niche of the animal science field such as dairy, poultry or animal breeding. Dairy scientists work in milk production and develop methods of improving the quality of milk as well as improving the means of gathering it. They may research how to safely encourage dairy cows to produce more milk as well as the best way to keep it safe until consumption. Poultry scientists work with animals such as chickens, ducks and geese and develop ways of ensuring that they are kept in a sanitary and healthy condition. Meat scientists have the same duties as poultry scientists, except they deal with livestock instead of chickens. Some animal scientists research methods of how to reduce waste buildup and animal deaths in housing facilities. Animal scientists can also work in food grading and divide livestock by quality, as well as work in marketing and technical sales.
What Kind of Training Do I Need to Become an Animal Scientist?
Animal scientists must have at least a master's degree in biology, chemistry or another related field. A master's degree takes about two to three years to earn after first obtaining a four-year bachelor's.