Career Profile: Primary School Teacher
Why Is Primary School Teaching a Job of Tomorrow?
Elementary school teachers play a vital role in shaping the educational path of students, and thus they will always be needed to establish a solid foundation of learning. Employment opportunities for primary school teachers are expected to rise14 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Primary and secondary school teachers earn an average salary of $47,602 annually.
What Does a Primary School Teacher Do?
Primary school teachers are typically responsible for teaching children from first through fifth grades. They play an important role in developing a child's intellect and work habits, as primary school is the first time most children are in a strictly educational environment. While pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes do teach children some basic skills and knowledge, such as shapes and colors, primary school immerses children in the educational environment they will be experiencing until graduation from high school. Primary school teachers usually have one class of students that they will teach various subjects to for the entire school year. Subjects include mathematics, reading and writing, history and science. Some primary school teachers, however, specialize in one subject, such as art, music, or physical education. These teachers are responsible for instructing various groups of students.
What Kind of Training Do I Need to Become a Primary School Teacher?
Primary school teachers must have a bachelor's degree from a teaching program, though some states now offer alternative methods of obtaining a teaching license for those who did not earn their degree in teaching. A bachelor's degree program takes about four years to complete, and the teaching program for primary school educators covers the courses the student will teach as well as classroom techniques. Public school teachers must be licensed to teach, but the requirements differ among states. Private schools set their own requirements.